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All in One WP (GPL)

All-in-One WP Migration is like a mystical portal for your WordPress website. With this plugin, you can export your entire site—including the database, media files, plugins, and themes—with no technical wizardry required. Here’s what it does:

1. Easy Export: Hit the export button, and All-in-One WP Migration bundles everything into one tidy file. It’s like packing your digital belongings for a magical journey.

2. Cloud-Friendly: Choose your cloud—Dropbox, Google Drive, or even a raven-delivered email. Up, up, and away!

3. Simple Import: Unpack the file at your new location using an intuitive “drag and drop” feature. Voilà! Your site is reborn.



Imagine a mystical scroll that contains the essence of your entire WordPress site—that’s the All-in-One WP Migration plugin. Introduced in 2013 and trusted by over 60 million websites, it’s like having a seasoned guide for your digital travels.
The Art of Migration Magic

User-Friendly Experience:
All-in-One WP Migration was crafted with non-technical users in mind. No arcane spells required.
Whether you’re a novice or a seasoned sorcerer, migrating your site is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Wide Compatibility:
The technical requirements are simple: if you’re running WordPress version 3.3 to 6.5.5 and PHP version 5.3 to 8.3, you’re good to go.
All-in-One WP Migration plays well with all versions of MySQL, MariaDB, and even SQLite.

Trusted by the Greats:
Boeing, NASA, IBM, Harvard University—they all rely on All-in-One WP Migration. It’s like having a magical amulet for your website.
This broad adoption demonstrates its safety, reliability, and adaptability.

Regular Updates:
The plugin stays up-to-date and secure. Updates roll out every two weeks or at least once a month.
Proactive testing ensures compatibility with the latest WordPress versions, including beta releases.


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