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Updraft Plus (GPL)

UpdraftPlus is like a digital vault for your WordPress site. It’s the cloak of invisibility that protects your content, themes, and plugins. Here’s what it does:

1. Scheduled Backups: UpdraftPlus waves its wand, creating automatic backups of your entire site. Daily, weekly, or whenever the moon is full—it’s your call.
2. Cloud Storage: Choose your mystical cloud—Dropbox, Google Drive, or even a raven-delivered email. UpdraftPlus sends your backups there.
3. Restore Magic: Oops, a plugin update turned your site into a pumpkin? Fear not! UpdraftPlus restores your site to its former glory.



Imagine a wise old sage living in your WordPress dashboard—that’s UpdraftPlus. It’s not just a plugin; it’s a guardian dragon, fiercely protecting your digital realm. Here’s why it’s essential:
The Art of Backup Sorcery

Scheduled Backups:
UpdraftPlus doesn’t wait for disaster to strike. It schedules regular backups—like a diligent librarian cataloging ancient scrolls.
Choose your frequency: hourly, daily, weekly, or whenever the stars align.

Cloud Storage Enchantment:
Your backups need a safe haven. UpdraftPlus opens portals to Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, and more.
It’s like sending your precious artifacts to secret vaults guarded by digital dragons.

Restore Spells:
Picture this: your site crashes, plugins clash, or a mischievous gremlin messes with your code. UpdraftPlus steps in.
Click “Restore,” and your site reverts to a happier time. It’s like turning back the hourglass.

Migration Magic:
Moving to a new domain or hosting realm? UpdraftPlus packs your bags. It’s the Gandalf of migrations.
Export your data, wave goodbye to the old server, and say hello to your new digital castle.

Database Spells & Search-Replace Incantations:
Need to change your site’s name or exorcise broken links? UpdraftPlus whispers incantations.
Its search-and-replace magic updates URLs and strings across your entire site.


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